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About Us 

We are Ella, Iona and Aneesah and we are passionate about saving the Madagascan rainforest and providing a sustainable future for all. After learning about the shocking behaviour of Gibson Guitars in a geography lesson we felt inspired to do something to help tackle this issue, along with our classmates, who have all made campaigns in a variety of different medias. Here is a bit about us:


Eleanor likes puppetry, Sherlock Holmes and Charles Dickens. She wears a top hat, which will soon be burned in a terrible fire. In her spare time she reads stories about murder, plays the bassoon (her poor sister has to deal with it), writes and attends puppeteering and puppet making classes. She loves drama and the theatre, linking to her obssession with Sherlock and Dickens.



Iona loves music and biology. Much of her time is spent pondering whether she would rather be a musician or a surgeon, researching strange diseases and practising the clarinet, which she is a child prodigy at, having reached Grade 7 after playing it for 5 minutes. She has now been accepted into the Royal College of Music Junior Department with it after playing it for 10 minutes. Funnily enough, her favourite suubjects are music and biology, although she is also a great runnner and actor (which she refuses to admit). Her house is really cool.



Aneesah likes building fences. She is very good at it. She likes movies and lives on the moon. She has a brother named Pixar. She is extremely dangerous, though passionate about perserving the rainforest. Beware her cursed lies! She was once a pirate in the seas of Neverland after tumbling down a mysterious hole.


So as you can see we are all very interesting people which is why you should support our project and control illegal logging in Madagascar.


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